Welcome to...

my dog Frasier

Hello there, I'm Schyler (^‿^) I am a producer, engineer, and DJ from Indiana! This is my first web page, so on here so it's not that cool yet, BUT, it will be after I put pics of my dog and my music on here ☺︎

Currently working on...

album cover for Bloatware

A 50 track beat tape by Schyler, coming sooooooon ᕕ(^-^)ᕗ

I can't wait for y'all to see this abominbation!! It's super random and filled to the brim with banger beats that never got put out or had artists on them. You're gonna love bumpin' it at the gym, while studying, or while playing video games. It's like if a landfill was cool and didn't smell bad and sounded cool B)

For now, check out my other music here!